Monday, April 4, 2011


scale change- change in size-large tree
levitation-floating object-stars
transformation- cracking ground and transforming into mountain
dislocation- ironic-purple sky
juxtaposition- something in the wrong position- swing
transparency- something that is melting-moon


  1. I like the layout of this painting. It is amazing and I love it. Why did you choose to use purple or any other color?
    If this would have been my piece, I might have made this picture brighter. Why did you choose dark colors?
    I noticed that the Earth is cracking. I like that.

  2. This is beautiful. You are one of the most talented artists I know. I love how you did the sky, the brushstrokes look perfect. Your tree is amazing as well. I've never been very good at trees :( You do great work! Keep it up :)
