Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I've learned

   I've learned that being an artist isn't just about having talent, but about how much you are willing to put into your artwork to accomplish something great.  Which is true with mostly anything.  My art speaks through me in ways that words just can't.  Being in art this year has helped me realize my talent in drawing.
  Something else I have learned through art this year is what great artists others can be if they put their heart into their artwork instead of just doing it to get it done.  I can see what people are like because of how they express themselves through their artwork.  People often paint, draw, sculpt, ect. something they are passionate about, but this year I feel people have found new passions and expressed more passions through their art, no matter what others thought.
  I enjoyed our art trip this year.  Cirque du soleil was very inspirational and an amazing experience I will not forget for as long as I live.  I think that everyone enjoyed and had fun at our art trip because it was so amazingly unforgettable and influential.  This year of art might be my last, and I don't want to and probably never forget anything that happened this year!

Monday, April 4, 2011


scale change- change in size-large tree
levitation-floating object-stars
transformation- cracking ground and transforming into mountain
dislocation- ironic-purple sky
juxtaposition- something in the wrong position- swing
transparency- something that is melting-moon

Thursday, February 3, 2011